Rug Braiders International
formerly known as the Valley Forge Rug Braiding Guild

2014 Schwenkfelder Museum Exhibit
"Not Your Grandmother's
Braided Rug"

Upon entering the museum, the table advertising our exhibit featured a framed multistrand flower rug made by Nancy Young.

Here are a few photos showing an overview of some of the wall displays at the exhibit.

This nook in the large display room was perfect for small braided items such as the hat, the purse, and the Christmas tree.

Another wall display with fascinating pieces!

Judy Hartzell’s rug of many circles. The triangular spaces are filled in perfectly between the circles, and the resulting shape is unique and lovely.

Dorothy Pepe made this Tropical Wave Rug with its carefully pieced wave patterns in three colors. The border is also special. A dramatic and beautiful piece!

Debra Weinhold made this impressive round rug with a beautiful multistrand border. She called it, "A Midsummer Night's Dream."

Dottie Pepe made this continuous multistrand rug. The center is a 3-strand, and strands are added until the braid is 9 (or 11?) strands across, then it is rapidly tapered. The two outermost rows are a 3-strand and 5-strand, both of which are butted.

Christine Manges made this carnation flower rug in honor of her grandfather, who bred carnations.
Nancy Young made this stunning multi-strand braid design modified from a 1936 pattern found in McCall Needlework magazine.

Debbie Wykosky made this chair pad with a unique border of knots and inverted arches.

Marjorie Kauffman made this braided snowflake rug with its perfect hexagon shape out of icy whites and blues.

Another one of Judy Hartzell’s rugs is this unique African Begonia leaf. From a spiral center, she adds onto the shape with triangular attachments and a back-and-forth-triple border.

Christine Manges made this 12-pointed star with butted rows of contrasting colors.

Nancy Young made this adorable rug hooked moose with a braid caught in its antlers. She surrounded the hooking with pretty braids, then a multi-strand braid.

Judy Hartzell braided with neckties to make this chair pad with its fancy border of tie-points.

Barbara Meyers made this strawberry, above left, and I'm not certain who made the watermelon, above. Both chose to have "seeds" shown by using one black strand in every other row. The strawberry is continuously braided, with color changes upper right, and the watermelon is butted.

The upper two hearts were made by Christine Manges. The top heart features a double corner border; the middle heart features a multistrand border. Unfortunately, I don't have a record of who made the bottom heart.
Christine Manges made this “Princess and the Pea” fairy tale challenge rug. Can you find the pea?
Marjorie Kauffman made this striking hexagon chair pad with its rickrack border.

Judy Hartzell made this very unusual rug: a proddy center, then 4 braided circles, then a back-and-forth-triple braid, then more braids, a fringed and knotted border, then two leaves. Wow!