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Registration fee is $30.

After Feb 1, fee is reduced to $15.

Valley Forge Rug Braiding Guild Member Registration Form
Year:  July 2024 - June 2025 
New or Renewing Member
What Level of Braider Are You?
Select an option

- Have made 0 to 1 chair pads or rugs

      - Have made at least 2 rugs/chair pads

- Can butt braids and make cornered shapes

- I teach others how to braid rugs

What Type of Braider Are You?
Select an option
What is your primary interest?
Select an option
How did you find out about us?
Select an option
We are a volunteer organization.  Would you like to serve on any of these committees?  
Check the ones you are interested in:

- Spring Braid Conference planning

- Plan classes and demos for teachers & students

- Review guild budget, taxes, and expenditures

                     - Raise funds for scholarships & other

- Work with website, Facebook, Instagram

- Welcome new members; keep attendance stats

- Plan meetings, speakers, workshops, demos

- Recruit new officers and committee chairs

May we share your name, email, and state with other guild members only?

Button will give you the address for sending the check.  Domestic (US) checks and money orders only.

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