The Valley Forge Rug Braiding Guild
Frequently Asked Questions
More About Us
How did the Valley Forge Rug Braiding Guild get started?
In 2007, Nancy Young and Loretta Zvarick hosted a one-day braid gathering at the Grange in Trappe, Pennsylvania. That day, several braiders from the Lancaster and Lehigh areas of Pennsylvania decided to form a guild. Naki Godfrey was an administrator at the Arbour Square retirement community in Harleysville, and she volunteered to give us a free site to meet.
When did the Valley Forge Rug Braiding Guild get its non-profit status?
In the summer of 2020.
Where does the guild meet now?
All of our monthly meetings and special events and classes and braid help sessions are online. A core group of original VF Guild members in southeastern Pennsylvania get together every month or so in Coatesville, PA -- for more info contact Dottie Pepe:
Why is it called the "Valley Forge" Rug Braiding Guild?
One of our founding members, Jane Ober, argued forcefully for the name "Valley Forge," which was about a 30-minute drive away from where we met. She felt that the name had impressive and historic roots, and was fitting for a guild teaching a rug-making technique with deep roots in American Folk Art.