Rug Braiders International
formerly known as the Valley Forge Rug Braiding Guild
Zoom links below to join General Membership Meetings, Special Events, and Committee Meetings.
If the link doesn't work directly, please copy the address starting with "https" and paste into your browser.
January 2025​​
​​18 VF Special Event: Saturday, Jan 18 at 1 pm over Zoom. Creating a Journal of Your Braided Works of Art, with Susan Feller. Susan will guide us in this important task! We all need to document our creations -- so many are given away and never seen again. A journal will help you keep track of your work!​
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84701183969?pwd=bgA07YbWbqOeMtauCJCbKnaKDVQf0V.1
Meeting ID: 847 0118 3969
Passcode: 406707
19 Braid Help: Sunday, Jan 19, at 4 pm EST over Zoom. Bring your problems and questions to Braid Help, and teachers will be available to help you. Or, just come and hang out with other braiders! One hour.
​ Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81762631683?pwd=d3N1VWljaDBvZHp0QnZpbW5pL3pvQT09
Meeting ID: 817 6263 1683
Passcode: 534860
February 2025​
1 VF December Guild Meeting: Saturday, Feb 1, at 1 pm EST over Zoom. Hear about upcoming events and classes, and see a Demo on rug braiding skills, TBA. Meeting is followed by Show and Tell!
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83371113492?pwd=sNI9aWu5lYgYO4SzcEbq7S0DhCMK9x.1
Meeting ID: 833 7111 3492
​Passcode: 260563
2 Braid Help: Sunday, Feb 2, at 4 pm EST over Zoom. Bring your problems and questions to Braid Help, and teachers will be available to help you. Or, just come and hang out with other braiders! One hour.​​​​​
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81762631683?pwd=d3N1VWljaDBvZHp0QnZpbW5pL3pvQT09
Meeting ID: 817 6263 1683
Passcode: 534860
16 Braid Help: Sunday, Feb 16, at 4 pm EST over Zoom. Bring your problems and questions to Braid Help, and teachers will be available to help you. Or, just come and hang out with other braiders! One hour.​
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81762631683?pwd=d3N1VWljaDBvZHp0QnZpbW5pL3pvQT09
Meeting ID: 817 6263 1683
Passcode: 534860
22 VF Special Event: Saturday, Feb 22 at 1 pm over Zoom. Creating Images in Braids, with Kris McDermet and Christine Manges. What are the different ways to put pictures and designs within your braids? Come to this special event and see!
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84781507063?pwd=hhYhKrCYMYprGOn4oVKpaJMZGvTOxZ.1
Meeting ID: 847 8150 7063
Passcode: 281269